

The number of configurations and datasets can become large, especially if you have many users that use the same application. In that case, you might want to be able to organize/group some configurations and datasets, so that it becomes easier to find a particular configuration or dataset. For that purpose, Data Navigator, but also all the other applications have the concept of a Domain. A domain is a label that is added to a configuration, dataset, or scenario and you can use that to filter and search. Once you have given a domain to a configuration or dataset, any dataset or scenario that is created based on that configuration or dataset, will, by default, have that same domain.

This page can be used for three different activities:

  • You can create a Domain, via the “+” page action in the lower right corner of the page. This button will bring up a dialog where you can enter the name and description, after which the domain is created.

  • You can delete a Domain, via the “-” page action in the lower right corner of the page. This button will bring up a dialog where you select which domains you want to delete.

  • You can mark a Domain as visible or invisible. Once a domain is marked as invisible, you will not see those domains or any of the configurations/datasets/scenarios for those domains.


Once you have created at least one visible domain, a domain selection box will appear in dialog pages where you create configurations/datasets/scenarios. In that case you can indicate if configuration/dataset/scenario should have that domain. And as mentioned before, any dataset or scenario that is created based on that configuration or dataset, will, by default, have that same domain. Of course, you can remove/change that selection in the dialog where that dataset or scenario is created.

Dataset Type

On this page, you can manage the contents of a dataset types. You can also create custom dataset types depending on your needs.


This page makes it easy to import data from other SC Navigator apps. This can be useful for debugging purposes, as you can avoid importing the same data from Excel files.

This may also be useful if you have a testing environment and want to quickly import data from your production environment, or vice versa.