Transport sheets

These sheets cover information related to transportation modes, costs, and trip data.

Mode of Transport

Purpose: List all transportation modes and enter details for each transport mode.
Instructions: Enter the name and details for each transport mode, like:
  1. Speed

  2. Wiggle factor

  3. Roundtrip: this attribute should be set to 1 if the transport mode is used for roundtrip

  4. Maximum Road Distance To Retrieve: When a lane is using a mode of transport for which maximum road distance to retrieve has been specified and the straight line distance between two points for the lane is greater than the maximum road distance to retrieve, then the ‘Retrieve Distance’ flag will automatically be set to 0 for those lanes, and straight line distances will be used instead.

Mode of Transport Groups

Purpose: For each transport mode, you can determine which group it belongs to.
Instructions: Assign transport modes to their respective groups by filling in the Transport Mode column with the appropriate group and entering the warehouse that belongs to that group in the Sub Transport Mode column. Each sub transport mode must be in a different row and the Active column must be set to 1.

Transport Cost

Purpose: Define lanes you want to use in the model.
Instructions: Enter details for each lane you want use, like:
  1. Availability

  2. Retrieve Distance

  3. Average Load Size

  4. Capacity data

  5. Cost data

  6. Base Case data

  7. Opening/Closing data

  8. Custom Objectives data

Rate Cards

Purpose: Enter details fo rate card.
Instructions: If you want to use location/lane/customer rate cards, you should enter the rate card bands for transport modes and other details on that sheet. You can specify data, including:
  1. Drop Size Lower/Upper

  2. Distance Lower/ Upper

  3. Rate Card From/To

  4. Cost data

  5. Custom Objective data

You should define Drop Size data for each band. Besides Drop Size data you can define Distance bounds or From and To locations between which the rate card band should be applied, but you can Not use Distance and From/To together.

Stepwise Transport Cost

Purpose: Define stepwise transport costing.
Instructions: If you want to use stepwise costing (cost data that varies with quantity) on a lane you should define the steps for lanes on that sheet. You can specify data, including:
  1. Availability

  2. Minimum/Maximum Capacity data: you can specify steps with different capacity bounds and different cost for lanes. The capacity bounds will determine which step’s costing will be applied for the lane.

  3. Cost data

  4. Opening/Closing data

  5. Custom Objective data

Transport Trip Data

Purpose: Enter data for transport trips.
Instructions: Fill in details about transport trips for each lane, including:
  1. Distance: The travel distance (miles or km depending on the input) for this lane

  2. Duration: The travel duration (in hour) for this lane

  3. Max Difference: The maximum transported volume difference from the other roundtrip lanes of the transport type

You can read more about the different types of attributes in Transport Related Attributes.

Transport Ratio

Purpose: You can set ratio constraints related to tranportation.
Instructions: Fill in the first 10 columns and define the Minimum/Maximum ratio or both. You can read more about ratio constraints in Ratio Constraints.