Production Scenario
Scenario Navigator Overview section in How to Use the Application introduces the purpose and benefits of scenario functionality.
Structure Overview section details the hierarchy from individual Scenarios to Network Scenarios and Batch Runs.
Scenario Pages Layout section describes the shared functionality that is common across all types of scenarios.
On this page, you can create Scenarios for the production input data. A Production Scenario is an adjustment of the data of an Attribute in one of the Production data tables. There are three different types of Production Scenarios: Production, Production Routing and Bill Of Material. On the top left of the page, you see three tabs corresponding to these three types. All the data on the page is based on the type of Scenario corresponding to the selected tab.
Production Data Tab displays data in Production, Location, Step, Period
Production Routing Data Tab displays data in Production, Location, Bill of Material, Period
Production BOM Data Tab displays data in Bill of Material, Product, Period