Notes, Settings and String Settings sheets

These sheets contain general instructions and configuration settings essential for setting up the template.


Purpose: Provides information about the attributes appear in the template.
Instructions: Read this sheet to get more information about the different attributes used in the template.


Purpose: Configure general settings for the analysis.
Instructions: Fill in general settings such as:
  1. Use description instead of name in displays. It can be set for Product/Customer/Warehouse and Production/Supplier/Location/Period separately

  2. Optimization settings: Time Limit and Optimality Gap

  3. CoG related setting like capacities, costs and maximum number of Source/Destination Locations

String Settings

Purpose: Define text-based settings.
Instructions: Enter settings such as:
  1. Selected Objective: The initial selected optimization objective. It should be one of the following: Minimize Cost, Maximize Revenue, Maximize Profit. If nothing is specified, the default will be Minimize Cost.

  2. Unit of Distance: The unit of calculating distance using longitude/latitude. The unit of distance is either km or mile.

  3. Default/Base UOM: The default/base unit that will be used throughout the model.

  4. Default Currency UOM: The default unit symbol for currency that will be used throughout the model. The default is $, so that symbol will be used if nothing is specified.

  5. Rate Cards UOM: The unit of measurement that will be used for rate cards. You can specify only one.

  6. CoG Location/Warehouse Group : The Location/Warehouse group that CoGs belong to in SC Navigator dataset.

  7. CoG Product Group: Product Group for extended single sourcing functionality. The CoG’s Product Group to be included in extended single sourcing functionality in SC Navigator dataset.