Structure Overview
In our scenario planning framework, we have three key layers that work together to build, integrate, and execute data-driven planning. Each layer has a distinct purpose and will be discussed below.
Scenarios - The purpose of this layer is to capture these small, granular adjustments to specific elements within a dataset, serving as building blocks for scenario planning. Each modification to a single variable is known as a Scenario. For instance, if you increase demand in a particular region by 10%, this constitutes one Scenario. There are six categories of Scenarios:

Network Scenarios - Network Scenarios combine individual Scenarios to form a comprehensive Network Scenario. A Network Scenario incorporates all individual changes from selected Scenarios to create a broader view of potential outcomes. For example, if Scenario 1 increases demand in EMEA by 10% and Scenario 2 increases demand in the US by 7%, combining them would create a Network Scenario that includes both adjustments, modeling how simultaneous changes in different regions impact the network. Each individual Scenario can be reused in as many Network Scenarios as appropriate. If your planning only requires applying a Network Scenario with one dataset, then it is possible apply the Network Scenario to the currently loaded dataset and run the optimization directly. For running the optimization with different combinations of Network Scenarios and datasets, the third layer is necessary.

Batch Run - A Batch Run applies Network Scenarios to different datasets (read more about Batch Runs in the Scenario Navigator section). Running Network Scenarios across varying datasets enables comparison of outcomes, supporting data-driven planning and decision-making.

These layers work together to make scenario planning clear, flexible, and easy to apply to real-world data.