Data Editing

Block Editing in Tables

On Data pages you can modify the input data in tables. You can edit one cell or more cells in a table.

More specifically, you can select regions (blocks) of the table by using your mouse, then type a value and press CTRL+ENTER to change all selected cells into the value you typed. In case of a binary cell with a checkbox, you can use CTRL+SPACE to toggle all selected values into the toggled value of the first cell. Similarly, in case of a DateTime cell, you can use the keyboard combination CTRL+LEFT MOUSE.

A special case of block editing is “deleting a block”. When selecting a block, as described above, and then pressing CTRL+DELETE, the whole block of cells will be set to their default values.

You can read more about the block editing in tables in the AIMMS documentation.

Download and Upload Table Data

The Table Widget offers the possibility to download its contents to an Excel workbook on your local machine, which you can then use to further process your data in Excel. Also, the data from an Excel workbook can be uploaded directly to the Table Widget.

More specifically, after using Excel to make edits to the data, the same sheet can be uploaded to the table and its changes will be automatically applied to the WebUI data (as if you made them through manual changes). On the Table Widget header you can access both actions when opening the kebab menu:


You can read more about download and upload table data in the AIMMS documentation.