Customer Data
On this page you can find data related to the Customer category, such as:
Lead Time
Selling Price
These data are in the form provided in the Excel file(s) or the database. The data attributes shown on this page are the same as the attributes which are present in the Excel file(s) or are stored in the database. At this stage the data are on the group level and no scenarios have been applied to these data, yet. These data are displayed in the table Customer Data.
The inspection and the interpretation of these data are supported by the following filters on the side panels: Customer Filters , Product Filters , and Period Filters.
Customer Data Table
The table Customer Data shows the demand, the lead time, the rate card drop size, and the selling price for each customer.
The numbers marked in blue may be modified. For example, in order to modify the demand of a customer you can adjust the value in the Demand column.