Product related sheets
These sheets are dedicated to detailing all products involved in the analysis, including categorizing them into groups.
Purpose: Define all products involved in the analysis.
Instructions: Enter the details of each product, including product groups. You can read more about attributes on that sheet in Product Related Attributes.
Product Groups
Purpose: For each product, you can determine which group it belongs to.
Instructions: Assign products to their respective groups by filling in the Product column with the appropriate group and entering the product that belongs to that group in the Subproduct column. Each subproduct must be in a different row and the Active column must be set to 1.
UOM Conversions
UOM Conversions is only available in the Network Design Advanced Module.
Purpose: Define units of measurement (UOM) and the conversion factor to the base UOM for each product.
Instructions: Enter the UOM (if it differs from the base UOM) and conversion factors to the base UOM. You can read more about it in Product Related Attributes.