Review Master Data

On the Review Master Data page, you can see and verify your master data that you have loaded by loading the dataset. This allows you to easily see the content of your input dataset. Please note that input data that is displayed already on other pages in the app, is not displayed here. The data that is displayed on this page is usually fixed and does not need to be adapted (opposed to input data that you can modify in phase 2 to create different scenarios). However, it is possible to edit the data on this Review Master Data page in case you might want to. Please note that the changes that you make, are not saved into the dataset. If you save a scenario in phase 2, the changes that you’ve made on this Review Master Data page are included in the scenario. If you want your changes to be included in a dataset, you have to modify your Excel input file and load it into Data Navigator and save a new dataset there.

The Review Master Data page shows, depending on your configuration, two tables. One for regular products and one for spare parts. You can use the filters on the side panels to filter your data.

Product Filter

Read here about the working of the Product Filter.

Customer Filter

Read here about the working of the Customer Filter.


Once your data is validated correctly and you’ve reviewed the master data, you can go to the next phase of the app: Phase 2, Create Scenario.


Read here about the Help panel.