Customer Results

After the optimization has been completed you can analyze the results using various tables, bar charts and maps. On this page you can find reports of the results related to the Customer category, such as:

You can read about the period selector in Period Selector.

Fulfillment or Lead Time Violations Bar Chart customer top left sign

This bar chart shows the fulfillment or the lead time violations for all customers. The periods are shown on the x-axis and the number of customers for which the fulfillment or the lead time constraints are violated or met are shown on the y-axis.


The bar chart is color-coded based on the status of the customer, which can be one of the following:

  • Red (Violated): when some constraints are not met

  • Green (Within bounds): when all the constraints for lead time and fulfillment are met

When hovering over one the columns in the bar chart a tooltip with more information appears for that column:


You can display the legend by clicking on the legend sign icon on the upper right corner of the widget.


Demand Fulfillment Chart customer top right sign

This chart shows the total demand and fulfillment by period. The periods are shown on the x-axis and the total fulfillment and demand values are shown on the y-axis.


The demand is drawn with a red line and the fulfillment is drawn with a green line.

When hovering over one of the points in the chart a tooltip with more information appears for that point:


You can display the legend by clicking on the legend sign icon on the upper right side of the widget.


Drive Time Distribution Bar Chart customer bottom left sign

This bar chart shows the number of customers reached in a given time range for a selected period. By default, the table shows the data for the first period. The time intervals are shown on the x-axis and the number of customers are shown on the y-axis.


The bar chart is color-coded based on the status of the customer, which can be one of the following:

  • Red (Violated): when some constraints are not met

  • Orange (Near bounds): when the lead time is close (above 95%) to its limit

  • Green (Within bounds): when all the constraints for lead time and fulfillment are met

If you select another period, the data in the bar chart will change accordingly.

When hovering over one the columns in the bar chart, a tooltip with more information appears for that column:


You can display the legend by clicking on the legend sign icon on the upper right side of the widget.


Selecting a bar representing a drive time interval will highlight on the map all customers whose drive time falls within that range. Additionally, clicking on an individual customer dot on the map will highlight the bar on the drive time chart that corresponds to that customer’s drive time. This interactivity enables easy analysis of the geographic distribution of customers by drive time.

Fulfillment or Lead Time Violations Map customer bottom right sign

This map presents all customers in the model for the selected period. By default, the table shows the data for the first period.


The customer nodes are hidden by default when more than 2500 customer locations are present. To toggle the visibility of customer nodes, navigate to the Customer side panel and click on the Show Customers on Map switch.


The nodes are color-coded based on the status of the customer, namely:

  • Red (Violated): when some constraints are not met

  • Green (Within bounds): when all the constraints for lead time and fulfillment are met

When clicking on one of the customer on the map, the data for the selected customer is highlighted in the table Customer Results. You can also select a customer by clicking on the column the customer belongs to in the Drive Time Distribution bar chart. The node of the selected customer gets a black outline on the map.

You can resize the dots on the map as follows:

  1. Click on the menu icon settings sign for widget actions at the upper right side of the map widget

  2. Click on the Resize dots by volume option

  3. The higher the volume of the customer, the larger its dot drawn on the map


When hovering over one of the customer nodes on the map, a tooltip with more information appears for that customer:


Customer Results Table customer first table sign

The table Customer Results shows the customer related results.


When a customer is selected on the map its rows are highlighted in this table.