Transport Data

On this page you can find data related to the Transport category, such as:

  • Availability

  • Capacity

  • Costs

  • Distance

  • Rate Card

  • Stepwise Cost

These data are in the form provided in the Excel file(s) or the database. The data attributes shown on this page are the same as the attributes which are present in the Excel file(s) or are stored in the database. At this stage the data are on the group level and no scenarios have been applied to these data, yet.

The transportation data are displayed in the tables Mode of Transport Data and Transportation Data. The data for locations are shown in the separate table Location Based Transport Data. Similarly, the details of the trips can be found in the separate table Trip Data. Furthermore, the details of the different types of transportation costing are displayed in the tables Transportation Stepwise Costing Data and Rate Card Data.

The inspection and the interpretation of these data are supported by the following filters on the side panels:Location From Filters , Location To Filters , Product Filters , Transport Filters and Period Filters.

Mode of Transport Data Table

The table Mode of Transport Data shows details of the different transport modes, such as the speed and the wiggle factor.


You can modify the data in the table in order to quantify the effect of changing the speed or the wiggle factor.


Transportation Data Table

The table Transportation Data shows the availability, the different costs, and the other details, such as the average load size or the rate card drop size for each lane.


This table also contains the “Take or Pay” volume and the corresponding cost in the case that these data are present in the Excel file(s).

The “Take or Pay” cost is used when a customer has a type of contract through which the customer is forced to “take” a certain volume from a supplier at a given cost or to “pay” the supplier if the agreed volume is not taken.


The numbers marked in blue may be modified. For example, in order to change the lane availability you can modify the data in the Available column.


Location Based Transport Data Table

The table Location Based Transport Data shows transport details for combinations of a location and a product, such as the rate card drop size.


Similarly to the previous tables, the numbers marked in blue can be modified in this table, too.


Trip Data Table

The table Trip Data contains the distance and the duration data for each lane.


As in the previous tables, the numbers marked in blue can be modified in this table, too.


Transportation Stepwise Costing Data Table

The table Transportation Stepwise Costing Data is active when you use Stepwise Cost in order to specify the transportation cost.


The Stepwise Cost is an alternative way of specifying the cost of transportation, which is applied when there are some thresholds in the costing. This means that the unit transportation cost (Cost Per UOM) drops to a smaller value when the transported volume exceeds a certain threshold.

As in the previous tables, the numbers marked in blue can be modified in this table, too.


Rate Card Data Table

The table Rate Card Data is active when you use Rate Card in order to specify the transportation cost.


The Rate Cards are another way of specifying the cost of transportation. The rate card data consists of the price per unit based on drop size and distance value or zones. Distances cannot be used together with zones. The unit is the Rate Card UOM specified on the String Settings sheet, if left empty it becomes the default application UOM.

The distance, the zones and the drop size bounds of rate card bands as well as the costs for each band are specified in the template and their values can be found in this table.

  • Drop Size Lower: the lower bound of the drop size for this band in Rate Card UOM, if that is not specified, then in the default application UOM.

  • Drop Size Upper: the upper bound of the drop size for this band in Rate Card UOM, if that is not specified, then in the default application UOM (0 means unlimited).

  • Distance Lower: the lower bound of the distance for this band in the given distance UOM.

  • Distance Upper: the upper bound of the distance for this band in the given distance UOM (0 means unlimited).

  • Rate Card From: the initial location or location group of the zone for this band.

  • Rate Card To: the destination location or location group of the zone for this band.

  • Different kind of costs: The model can take into account a variety of costs for each rate band, such as: Cost Per Distance, Cost Per UOM, Fixed Cost Per Trip, Minimum Cost Per Trip, and Custom Objective costs.

Similarly to the previous tables, the numbers marked in blue can be modified in this table, too.
