Transport Scenario

On this page you can create scenarios for the transport input data in the sheet ‘Transport Cost’ and the sheet ‘Stepwise Transport Cost’.

This page is divided into three sections:

  • Select Type: The left-hand part is meant for selecting the Mode of Transport, Product, From Location, and To Location which you want to modify.

  • Select Attribute: The middle part enables you to select the attributes of the data to be modified and define the change in each time period.

  • Changed Data: The right-hand side table displays the resulting changes, color-coded along with tooltips for easy reference.

Next we discuss in turn each of these sections in more detail.

Select Type

On this page the “Type” refers to one of the options available in the drop-down list, which includes ‘Mode of Transport’, ‘Product’, ‘From Location’, and ‘To Location’. As you make selections in a combination of types, the available data will appear in the table on the right-hand side.

The choices in the selection widget underneath the type selection will be updated based on the selected type. For instance, when you switch the type from ‘Mode of Transport’ to ‘Location’, the selection widget underneath will also switch to the potential choices for ‘Location’.

The “(x/y)” stands for: (the number of selected/the total number) in each type, which means x out of y are selected.

You can utilize groups of ‘Product’, ‘From Location’, and ‘To Location’. Choosing a group is equivalent to selecting all the corresponding individual elements within that group.

Select Attribute

The drop-down list presents all attributes which can be potentially included in the production input data. So, for instance, even if a particular input dataset does not include Minimum Capacity, this (potential) attribute is still shown in the list.

Below the attribute selection there is a table used for defining the values:

  • Selected attribute is binary.

    You may overwrite this value by directly clicking on a cell. There are three possible changes:

    • toggle_1 Toggle checked, namely, change value to 1.

    • toggle_-1 Toggle unchecked, namely, change value to 0.

    • toggle_0 Reset to initial state.

  • Selected attribute is non-binary.

    There are three ways to make the change:

    • % Change: change the value by a percentage; the range is from -100% to infinity.

    • Value Increment: increase or decrease by entering a positive or a negative number; there is no limit on this number.

    • Value Overwrite: the new value to replace the original value

    Navigate among different ways of data change:

    For one period, only one way of change can be applied and it is not possible to apply different changes to the same period. However, you can apply different changes to different periods.
    If % Change is made in period one, you can make an additional Value Increment in other period.
    If % Change is made in period one, editing Value Increment also in period one will empty % Change in period one.
  • Step vs No Step

    Transport input data may come from two sheets: the sheet ‘Transport Cost’ and the sheet ‘Stepwise Transport Cost’. The former does not use step, whereas the latter does. If the input dataset has data in sheet ‘Transport Cost’, then this table does not contain any step-based changes. If the input dataset has data in sheet ‘Stepwise Transport Cost’, then this table will reflect step-based changes.

Period groups:
You can utilize period groups. Choosing a period group is equivalent to selecting all the periods within that group. Entering a value in an individual period will empty the value in the corresponding period group, and vice versa.

Changed Data

The data displayed in this table depends on both the selection of each type and the selected attribute.

  • Selection of each type

    • Upon making selection in all four types, the available data will appear in the table on right-hand side.

    • If there are only selections in ‘Mode of Transport’ and ‘Product’, no data will appear, because there is no transport input data defined only over these two types.

  • Selected attribute

    By default, only the data corresponding to the selected attribute and the selection made in the types will be displayed. However, you can switch to displaying all available data by using the widget action located in the top right corner of the table.

You can use the page actions in order to save, create new, load, and apply the scenario data, see the section Scenario Page Actions for more details.