Supplier Scenario


On this page, you can create Scenarios for the supplier input data. A Supplier Scenario is an adjustment of the data of an Attribute in one of the Supplier data tables. There are two different types of Supplier Scenarios: Supplier and Supplier Product. In the Data Tabs area, there are two tabs corresponding with the two types of Supplier Scenario:

  • Supplier Data Tab displays data in Supplier, Location, Step, Period

  • Supplier Product Data Tab displays data in Supplier, Location, Product, Step, Period


  • Scenario 1: One supplier has increased its ‘Maximum Capacity’ by 10% in all locations and all periods for step 1.

    Supplier ‘Antalya_FG’ has increased its capacity in all locations and all periods.
    • Select Supplier to be ‘Antalya_FG’. For Location leave it empty.

    • Select the ‘Maximum CapacityAttribute from the drop-down list.

    • In the table underneath, enter the value 10 in the cell at the intersection of the column ‘% Change’ and the row for the period group ‘2023-CY’ and step ‘1’.

  • Scenario 2: The Suppliers in a group of locations decrease cost.

    All finished goods (FG) suppliers have reduced by 3% ‘Variable Cost’ for ‘Mono-Crystalline’ in ‘2023-H1’.
    • Select Location to be the group ‘FG’ (by default, all Suppliers will be selected, there is no need to select any).

    • Select Product to be ‘Mono-Crystalline’.

    • Select the ‘Variable CostAttribute from the drop-down list.

    • In the table underneath, enter the value -3 in the cell at the intersection of the column ‘% Change’ and the rows for the period ‘2023-H1’ and steps ‘1’ and ‘2’.
