File System Management
The data in parquet files is stored in Azure Data Lake Storage (Gen2). In such a data lake, the data is stored in so-called File Systems (which belong to a data container to be more precise).
On this page, you can see the file systems which are present in this container and also how many configurations and datasets that file system contains. For both the configurations and the datasets, you can see two columns. The column with “Folders” in the name indicate how many dataset/configurations are in the data lake, while the column with “Overview” indicate how many dataset/configurations are in the list with dataset/configurations. In general, these values should be the same, but there might be a difference when creation or deleting failed.

For now, you can only view them, but please let our support know if you would like to delete any of them.
In the bottom part of the page, you see two list. Here you can see which datasets/configurations are available in the “Folders” (Marked with a orange dot), in the “Overview” (marked with a red dot) or in both (marked with a red dot).
If you have many configurations and datasets that are marked with with an orange, you might consider rebuilding the overview. This can be done through the page action “Rebuild overview for file system …”. In that case, the elements marked with orange are added and those marked red are deleted.