CoG Run Details

On this page you can find detailed data for each CoG location.

Output Warehouse Locations

This table shows the following data for each CoG location:

  • # Locations Served - number of locations it services

  • Volume Served - total volume that it services

  • Weighted Average Distance - the average distance from the CoG to each location that it services, weighted on each location’s volume. This value is calculated based on the actual distance between CoG and each location, proportional to that location’s volume.

  • Weighted Average Drive Time - weighted average drive time (in hours) for all locations that it services. This value is calculated by dividing the previous value by the Transportation Speed (see CoG Settings page for settings parameters).

  • Max Drive Time - maximum drive time (in hours) for all locations that it services

  • Primary Cost - total primary (from supplier to this CoG) transport cost (see CoG Settings page for cost parameters)

  • Secondary Cost - total secondary (from this CoG to customer) transport cost (see CoG Settings page for cost parameters)

  • Warehouse Running Cost - see CoG Settings page for cost parameters

  • Total Cost - total cost for this CoG

  • Longitude

  • Latitude

Distances and Drive Times

This table shows data for each CoG location and the load location it serves.

  • Distance - distances to the locations it services

  • Drive Time - drive time to the locations it services

  • Demand - demand volume served at this location