Customer sheets

These sheets include details about customers and their associated data, including customer groups and product-specific details.


Purpose: List all customers.
Instructions: Enter the name of all customers you want to use in the model. If you want to use a different name for displays, you can use the Description column.

Customer Groups

Purpose: For each customer, you can determine which group it belongs to.
Instructions: Assign customers to their respective groups by filling in the Customer column with the appropriate group and entering the customer that belongs to that group in the SubCustomer column. Each subcustomer must be in a different row and the Active column must be set to 1.

Customer Product Data

Purpose: Specify product data related to customers.
Instructions: Enter details for each customer, including:
  1. Demand

  2. Lead Time

  3. Variable Cost

  4. Selling Price

  5. Rate Card Drop Size

  6. Minimum Fulfillment Rate

  7. Maximum # of Source Locations

  8. Custom Objective data

You can read more about the different types of attributes in Customer Related Attributes.