User Roles and Modules

SC Navigator has many advanced features and functionalities. However, not every user needs all the ‘bells and whistles’, and these functionalities may be overwhelming instead of empowering. For this reason, we have ring-fenced (made available) the functionality to users with different licensing conditions and roles in 2 different ways:

  • User Roles

  • Modules

Each role and module is crafted to ensure that users have the appropriate permissions to perform their tasks effectively. This section provides a detailed overview of the available user roles, modules and their access permissions to the functionalities within the application.

User Roles

In an organization, there are typically different roles that use SC Navigator in different ways. For this reason, we have ring-fenced (made available) the functionality to users with different roles in the organization, in the following way:





Create datasets



Run Optimizations


View Results


  • Center of Excellence (Modeler) creates datasets, makes them available, and keeps them updated for Analysts in the Business Unit.

  • The Business Unit Analyst runs various optimization scenarios against the dataset.

  • The Business Unit Analyst shares results for viewing and comparing with their management (Consumer).


In addition, SC Navigator has various modules that expose different functionalities to the user. The diagram below shows the modules that users can currently be licensed for:



The following table, shows you the available functionality per module.


Strategic Network Design

Network Design Advanced

Tactical Planning

Sustainability and Risk


Input Data via Excel or Dataset

Input Dataset via REST API

Data Editing

Quick Optimization from Control Panel

Model Base Case/Digital Twin

Infeasibility Analysis

Save and Compare Results Scenarios

Automated Reports (Supplier, Production, Warehouse, Customer, Transport, KPI Overview)

Automated Cost to Serve Report

Automated End-to-End Report

Center of Gravity

Transport Costing based on Distance and Lane

Relax and Enforce Constraints

Force Open and Close of Facilities

Optimize on Minimum Cost

Optimize on Max Profit, Max Revenue





Customer Fulfillment



Multi Period



Calculated Inventory (Safety Stock, Spare Parts)




Additional Transport Costing (Rate Cards and Step Costs)




Transport Take or Pay Costing




Bill of Material




(Customizable) Multiple Units of Measurement




Geo Locations, Distances and Trip Time




Count and Ratio Constraints






Optimize on Custom Objectives (Control Panel)



Optimize on Carbon Emissions (Control Panel)



(Automated) Multi Objective Trade-Off Analysis



Location Risk Analysis




Optimized Inventory




Scenario Navigator (Repeatable Scenarios and Batch Runs)



The modules can be combined, allowing all the necessary functions for the work to be available.

The following additional modules are available:



Power BI Embedded

Create own visualizations and reports which resonate with stakeholders, without leaving SC Navigator, by using Power BI Embedded.

There is e-learning available for every module.

To get more information on modules and roles, or to get access, please contact your account manager or email us at

My Role and Modules

In the SC Navigator app you can check which Role and Module(s) you have by navigating to the Data page and select Show System Details from the widget action (Widget Action) of Data Dashboard.


Then the following dialog page will show up:
