Supplier sheets

These sheets cover all information related to suppliers, including their groupings, settings and their product related data.

Supplier Definition

Purpose: List all suppliers involved.
Instructions: Enter the name of all suppliers you want to use in the model. If you want to use a different name for displays, you can use the Description column.

Supplier Groups

Purpose: For each supplier, you can determine which group it belongs to.
Instructions: Assign suppliers to their respective groups by filling in the Supplier column with the appropriate group and entering the supplier that belongs to that group in the SubSupplier column. Each subsupplier must be in a different row and the Active column must be set to 1.


Purpose: Define supplier-related data.
Instructions: Enter data specific to suppliers, like: 1. Availability 2. Capacity data 3. Cost data 4. Opening/Closing data 5. Custom Objectives data

If you want to define data for suppliers on this sheet you have to fill in the Supplier, Location, Step, and Period columns for each supplier you want to use in the model.

Supplier Product

Purpose: Define product-related data for suppliers.
Instructions: Enter product details for each supplier, like: 1. Availability 2. Capacity data 3. Cost data 4. Opening/Closing data 5. Custom Objectives data

You can define data only for suppliers which availability was set on Supplier sheet. If you want to define data on this sheet you have to fill in the Product, Supplier, Location, Step, and Period columns for each supplier you want to use in the model.

Supplier Ratio

Purpose: You can set ratio constraints related to suppliers.
Instructions: Fill in the first 8 columns and define the Minimum/Maximum ratio or both. You can read more about ratio constraints in Ratio Constraints.